Andi has an MBA, a BA (Theatre Studies), a Licentiate Teaching Diploma from Trinity Guildhall in Teaching Speech and Drama, and an Associate Teaching Diploma from Speech New Zealand in Teaching Public Speaking and Communication. Andi spent 3 years working for the Starlight Children's foundation in Australia as 'Captain Starlight' entertaining children in hospitals and special schools throughout Australia. She also spent a year in Japan teaching English as a second language.
She brings over 20 years experience as a teacher, performer, and children’s entertainer to developing Shine curricula, and teaching classes.
Andi has 3 young boys aged 4, 8, and 11. She first trained to become a Certified BabySign Instructor through the Baby Signs Institute in the USA when her first son was born. She also became a Certified Instructor for the Happiest Baby on the Block Program at this time.
In 2009 her second son was born 9 weeks early. After discovering the huge benefits of kangaroo care and nurturing touch at this time, she completed the International Association of Infant Massage training course and became an IAIM Certified Instructor.
She is also a trained facilitator for the 'Friends for Life' program which teaches emotional resilience and anxiety management tools for children and adolescents.